e5 Woman
Any woman of any faith can be an e5 Woman. The e5 Woman accepts the gift of grace that is gained for her through the fasts of the e5 Men through the infinite merits of Jesus Christ. The e5 Man offers his fasts and prays for any woman for her spiritual growth/healing and happiness in her vocation as a woman. The e5 Men fast especially for women that have been sinned against by men.
If you would like to be specifically included in the intentions of all the e5 Men's fasts we ask that if you are a Christian women that on the first Wednesday of the month you ask for the graces fasted for by the e5 Men through your own chosen prayer.
For women that want to participate in a special way with the e5 Men, we ask that you go to the Divine Liturgy or Mass on the first Wednesday of the month if your faith tradition makes this option available to you. We, as e5 Men, will be fasting and praying that you will receive at that time the grace you need in your life.
Also, some women want to fast with the e5 Men. We would be happy to have you participate as much as you like for your intentions and the intentions of the e5. There is no sign up for women to fast. You can join us fasting as much as you wish. Welcome.